Gabriel A. SilvaLeveraging Quantum Superposition to Infer the Dynamic Behavior of a Neural Network ModelImage credit: GettyDec 16, 2024Dec 16, 2024
Gabriel A. SilvaExtending Undirected Graph Techniques to Directed Graphs via Category TheoryNetworks naturally arise in many real-world situations. They are ubiquitous across both the natural sciences and engineering…Jul 9, 2024Jul 9, 2024
Gabriel A. SilvaAn Attempt at Computable Emergence in Complex SystemsThe interaction of two systems as glueing the two network structures together. From Li et. al. (2024) arXiv:2311.17403Jul 2, 20244Jul 2, 20244
Gabriel A. SilvaUsing Quantum Computing to Infer Behaviors of Biological and Artificial Neural NetworksImage credit: GettyMar 31, 20241Mar 31, 20241
Gabriel A. SilvaAn Introduction to Nanotechnology and Its Applications to MedicineNanotechnology and nanoengineering are producing significant scientific and technological advances in diverse fields including medicine and…Jul 10, 2023Jul 10, 2023
Gabriel A. SilvaComparing the Dynamics of Neural Networks using Edge-Ordered Multi-Directed GraphletsThe integration and propagation of information in the brain depend on the interplay between structural and dynamical properties across many…Apr 14, 2022Apr 14, 2022
Gabriel A. SilvaLearning Without Gradient Descent Encoded by the Dynamics of a Neurobiological ModelIn general, the tremendous success and achievements of the many flavors of machine learning (ML) are based on variations of gradient…Jan 14, 20224Jan 14, 20224
Gabriel A. SilvaThe Geometry of Nervous Systems may have Precisely Evolved to Support Rich Dynamic FunctionThere are many methods and tools available to study complex systems. But understanding how the structural connectivity of a network…Jan 5, 20222Jan 5, 20222
Gabriel A. SilvaUnderstanding the Brain’s Algorithms Through the Lens of its Physical ConstraintsEverything the human brain is capable of is the product of a complex symphony of interactions between many distinct signaling events and…Dec 10, 20215Dec 10, 20215
Gabriel A. SilvaBeyond Simulation: The Increasing Need for (Experimentally Grounded) Theoretical NeuroscienceA number of years ago I wrote a commentary in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience that I believe is even more important today then back…Nov 16, 20212Nov 16, 20212
InSnipettebyGabriel A. SilvaThe Challenges of Determining How Neurons are Connected When You Can’t Visualize the ConnectionsThis (somewhat) technical article is based on the introduction of a recent peer-reviewed published paper from our group, and summarizes…Oct 26, 20214Oct 26, 20214
Gabriel A. SilvaGraph Neural Networks and Generalizable Models in NeuroscienceConstructing generalizable models in neuroscience is challenging because neural systems are typically complex in the sense that they are…Nov 12, 2021Nov 12, 2021